How To Make The Switch From Electric Tools To Air Tools

air-toolsHome improvement tasks aren’t accomplished by a single tool alone but with the right combination of tools and accessories to fulfill tasks. A lot of homeowners still recognize air tools as instruments designed for pit crews and flight decks, but even with this idea, there is a huge number of practical home uses for these air compressors.

One of the most important advantages of air tools is that they don’t require their own motor which makes them lighter, smaller, and easier to handle; thus having a single compressor motor that converts electrical energy to kinetic energy can be advantageous when using tools to accomplish various applications. 

Reasons for the switch

There are three main reasons why a large number of DIY enthusiasts are shifting from electric tools to air tools, and here listed are the reasons.

  • Value
    – Homeowners who switch to pneumatic tools will notice the less pricey air tools and accessories which instantly offset the expenses incurred from the air compressor. When purchasing this machine, a single powerful motor is obtained instead of a dozen little motors that eventually burn out; and a good number of air tools last much longer than most electric-powered tools.
  • The Power to Weight
    – Compared to electric tools, air tools distribute more torque and higher revolutions per minute which allows users to fulfill tasks effectively and efficiently.
  • Adaptability and Versatility
    – Air tools are not difficult to interchange, unlike electric powered tools. For specific applications, a variety of air tools can be powered such as impact wrenches, finish nailers, spray guns, ratchet wrenches, and brad nailers – which can all function by one source.
  • Speed
    – Some may not think so, but pneumatic tools are much more powerful than electric tools. The reason for this is that compressors create power by compressing and condensing the air which produces bursts of energy upon release, and when trying to reach its original volume. Electric tools function at lower RPM, psi, and horsepower which make these increase the necessary time required to complete certain applications; which only means that these tools complete tasks much slower compared to when air tools are used.
  • Safety
    – Air tools are highly safe compared to electric tools since no electricity passes through the machine and is limited within the air compressor’s motor. Air tools do not pose a threat of electric shocks to the users, and these can also be used in wet environments; electric tools have cords which can be dangerous when used in wet conditions so these tools must be used with utmost care plus also require constant maintenance.
  • Cost and Maintenance
    – When it comes to durability, air tools are better since the machines are not equipped with intricate parts; air tools don’t require frequent maintenance which lessens the cost for replacement and repairs, unlike with electric models. Given that electric tools are run by electric motors, we know that most of these tools are designed with various moving parts such as rotors, bearings, and brushes which tend to require maintenance and regular check-ups, making it more costly for electric tools.

Benefits of Air Powered Tools

One of the key benefits identified with air powered tools is the ease and convenience when used. A simple switch powers and turns off the tool, and is also attached to a dedicated power source just like an air compressor. Air tools deliver increased psi which can be generated simply by hand, so clearly, using these tools make most jobs easier to complete in shorter periods of time.

For large jobs such as installing roofs where speed and power are required, an air powered nail gun is most convenient to get the work done. It can drive in more nails in a short span of time compared to hand tools which will take longer to accomplish.

Professionals combine the use of both electric and pneumatic tools and will switch depending on the applications they need to fulfill. The switch also depends on the specific tools needed and the power required to finish the tasks on hand. If you’re someone looking for a drill to use for on-and-off household projects, electric tools will work appropriately for these types of jobs. However, if you’re in need of an interchangeable solution – let’s say for working on your car, etc. – pneumatic tools or an air compressor can be the best investment for your needs.

In the end, choosing to purchase an electric or air powered tool is entirely based on your preference and needs, though keep in mind that before purchasing any type of machine, it’s always best to do your research and check for the product’s features, design, power, and more.

Additional hints: Ways To Inflate Balls, Tires, & More


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